Then take the remote and set the input to the one you used for your Chromecast. Plug the Chromecast device into your TV’s HDMI port.If you get the error message, this could be the issue. Keep in mind that the Wi-Fi network on Chromecast needs to match with the one on your phone. We’ve outlined those steps further below. Once you’ve followed these steps, you’ll need to reconnect your Chromecast device to the internet. Tap to confirm that you’d like to forget the current network.Tap on the Settings Cog in the upper right-hand corner.Open the Home app on your smartphone or tablet.Turn on the television that is connected to your Chromecast device and make sure your smartphone (or tablet) is connected to the internet.You’ll need to forget your current network (while connected to that network) then set it up again.

Unfortunately, switching networks isn’t as simple as one would think. This is also the solution for when you’re having connectivity issues. If your existing network is active, you’re merely switching Chromecast from one to another. Perform a Simple Chromecast Network Switch You’ve set up your Chromecast for the network that doesn’t exist anymore, so your Google Home app on your mobile device won’t be able to recognize it. That will happen when you change your router. If the Wi-Fi network to which you connected your Chromecast is not active anymore, things will get a bit tricky. The steps are a piece of cake, and all you need to do is ensure that your mobile device is close to the streaming one. Usually, the reason to change Chromecast to a new Wi-Fi connection is a simple switch between networks, such as going from broadband to mobile hotspot or when traveling. If you’re unsure about whether you should go through the hassle of changing your Wi-Fi network on your Chromecast device, there are some common reason why this is necessary. Two Primary Reasons to Change Wi-Fi Networks Depending on the reason for the change, the process can be straightforward or a bit tricky. If you take your Chromecast with you or you have more than one Wi-Fi source inside the home, you’ll need to change its Wi-Fi regularly.